Dental Water Filter for Mains – QATER Hybrid Economy



Installed on the waterline in junction box it works to clean dental water and remove biofilm
.Dental water filter & biofilm remover…


QATER™ Hybrid Economy has been visually proven to remove and prevent the biofilm in dental waterline.


* Y. W. Dental Clinic shows that QATER™ Hybrid Economy works to remove and prevent biofilm in dental waterline.



QATER™ Hybrid works to disinfect dental water with silver ingredients. It works to remove biofilm and keeps DUWL free of the biofilm and dental handpieces free of clog.

Easy Install

Just cut dental water line in front of chair and put QATER™ Hybrid. That’s it.

QATER™ Hybrid works to disinfect dental water with silver ingredients. It works to remove biofilm and keeps DUWL free of the biofilm and dental handpieces free of clog.

Perfect Disinfect

QATER™ Hybrid has germicidal effect against E. coli, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, legionella, etc., and prevents build-up of the biofilm on DUWL.

QATER™ Hybrid series products keep DUWL free of biofilm and hand piece free of clog .

Enjoy difference of QATER™.


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